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Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA)

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SAPA bill that passed in 2021 session: HB 85-:
- List of CoSponsors for HB85 -
(Missouri's SAPA is the original and has been the template most other states have used for their bills.)

Oral Arguments set for Feb 16, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in St. Louis.

Thomas F. Eagleton Courthouse
111 S. 10th Street
St. Louis, Missouri

Division I will be held in the En Banc Courtroom on Floor 28

The SAPA case is first on the docket.


1. 23-1457 WM United States v. State of Missouri, et al. 15

2. 23-2355 WM United States v. Henry Dailey 10

3. 23-1897 NI United States v. Brian Dennis 10

4. 23-2108 NI United States v. Bruce Sanford 23-2186 NI United States v. Houston Simmons, III 10

Recall that last March, in what former FOX judicial analyist Judge Andrew Napolitano called, "One of the worst judicial opinions I've ever reviewed in the modern era.", a federal judge ruled the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act unconstitutional, however, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed an appeal and secured a Stay of Judgment, so SAPA continues to be the law.

Click here for the March 7, 2023 Opinion

PACER link to federal appeal (Case #0:2023cv01457 - Docket# 23-1457) in the 8th Circuit: United States v. State of Missouri, et al

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is optimistic about that outcome and plans to go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary.

Here is a list of most of the briefs (in no particular order) in the DOJ case.


The two cases in state court are proceeding slowly. Both cases are before Cole County Judge Dan Green, who has already ruled in support of SAPA once.

08/27/2023 UPDATE
State and federal lawsuits against SAPA trudge on. DOJ final brief on appeal is in.

Recall that last March, in what former FOX judicial analyist Judge Andrew Napolitano called, "One of the worst judicial opinions I've ever reviewed in the modern era.", a federal judge has ruled the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act unconstitutional.

Click here for the March 7, 2023 Opinion

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed an appeal and secured a Stay of Judgment, so SAPA continues to be the law.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is defending SAPA by appealing the decision to a three judge panel. That process calls for the losing side (appellant) to file an appeal brief, the side that won the first round (respondent or appellee) usually, then, has 30 days to fille an Appellee Brief, and then the appellant files the final brief, the Reply Brief.

Reply Brief due August 31.

PACER link to federal appeal (Case # 23-1457) in the 8th Circuit:

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has already filed an appeal and secured a Stay of Judgment, so SAPA continues to be the law, but what is the likelihood of the appeal succeeding?

03/09/2023 UPDATE
Federal Judge rules SAPA unconstitutional, appeal already filed and stay of judgment ordered.

A federal judge has ruled the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act unconstitutional.

Click here for March 7, 2023 Opinion

PACER link to federal appeal (Case # 23-1457) in the 8th Circuit:

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has already filed an appeal and secured a Stay of Judgment, so SAPA continues to be the law, but what is the likelihood of the appeal succeeding?

Here's what former FOX judicial analyist Judge Andrew Napolitano says:

"One of the worst judicial opinions I've ever reviewed in the modern era."

"If this judge were a student of mine at one of the three law schools on whose faculties I was privileged to set and submitted this he would have flunked because he missed the most important case which is the Justice Scalia opinion called prince versus United States in which the federal government tried to get sheriff's to enforce federal gun laws."

"The statute, itself, is one of the finest demonstrations of federalism since Thomas Jefferson and James Madison discented from the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798 by writing the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions."

"This federal judge has totally missed the boat."

"I think the statute will eventually be upheld."

"Whoever crafted this in the Missouri legislature has a superb understanding of federalism and a superb understanding of timing, knowing that with this present supreme Court itching to enhance the concept of federalism to leave the states to protect civil liberties in areas where the feds failed to do so."


Watch Judge Napolitano on Austin Petersen's show here.


01/19/2023 UPDATE
Status of legal challenges to SAPA

Not much has changed with the Second Amendment Preservation Act since the hearing in federal court on July 6, 2022. At that time the judge took the federal DOJ’s challenge to SAPA under advisement.]

Pending is a motion for summary judgment by the DOJ and motions to dismiss by the Missouri A.G. for failure to state a claim and lack of jurisdiction.

Opponents to SAPA are probably surprised that there has not been a quick ruling, since they were so convinced that this very constitutional law violates the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause!

We have no idea when there will be a ruling, but will certainly keep you posted. You can check in on the case, yourself, with this link to the case, but you will need to set up a PACER account to access it: https://ecf.mowd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?162346

In the mean time, enforcement of federal gun control in Missouri continues to be on hold, proving the anti-commandeering doctrine at the core of SAPA is a great tool to use against federal overreach!


Meanwhile, the original state level challenge by St. Louis, Jackson County, and Kansas City is creeping its way through the legal system. Cole County Judge Dan Green had originally dismissed the case, citing the fact that there were pending cases in which criminal defendants were attempting to use SAPA. Judge Green said that he could not provide a ruling on the declaratory judgment request by St, Louis, and Kansas City, since the criminal cases might resolve the issue.

Those cases, however, dealt with alleged crimes that took place before SAPA became law. The Missouri Supreme Court sent the case back to Judge Green for further adjudication.

The Missouri A.G., who is defending SAPA, has until February 14, 2023, to file his full response to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and file their own Motion for Summary Judgment

To that end, the A.G. is attempting to do “discovery,” including taking depositions from the plaintiffs. St. Louis, Jackson County, and Kansas City, however, are trying to block discover with a motion to quash the depositions, including a request for a protective order.

Kinda makes you wonder what they are trying to hide…

A hearing on those motions is set in Cole County Court (Jeff City) for 1:30 pm, Monday, January 23, 2023.

Follow the case (21AC-CC00237-01) on CASENET here: https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet/base/welcome.do

06/10/2021 UPDATE
Governor Parson Announces Signing of HB 85

Good news, for a change, out of Jefferson City!

Governor Mike Parson issued a media advisory this afternoon announcing that he will be signing HB 85, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) on Saturday, June 12 at 2:00 pm in Lee's Summit, MO.

The signing will be open to the public, but since it will be indoors, space will be limited.

Here's the location:

Frontier Justice
800 NE Jones Industrial Park
Lee's Summit, MO 64064

Parson also announced that he will be streaming the signing live on his Facebook page.

Because HB 85 has an emergency clause, it will take effect immediately upon signing. (Here's the final verson of HB 85.)

Look for another email from me about what changes with the enactment of SAPA. The most important thing to understand, though, is that this bill ONLY prevents Missouri officials from enforcing or assisting with the enforcement of federal gun control laws against law-abiding Missourians.  It does not prevent federal authorities from enforcing federal laws on their own.

SAPA is designed to prevent wholesale federal gun control, like an "assault weapon" confiscation, since such an effort would require cooperation from local officials.

This is a landmark event.  Although other states have recently passed their versions of SAPA, they have all been watered down with limited application or a lack of accountability to violators.  After Saturday, Missouri will have the strongest SAPA in the country, what the Tenth Amendment Center calls the "gold standard" of SAPA laws.

Sponsors Rep. Jered Tayor and Sen. Eric Burlison deserve a lot of credit for holding the line and keeping MO SAPA strong. Drop them a thank you email.

Thank YOU for all the witness forms, emails, phone calls and trips to the Capitol!  Together, we are making a difference!

In liberty,

- Ron

Media notice


04/29/2021 UPDATE
Senate Takes Up SAPA In Floor Debate

Just a very quick update on the progress of SAPA as we near the end of the Missouri legislative session...  (I'm just getting to this because it has been a busy week with this and other legislative issues.)

The full Senate took up the SB 39 version of the Second Amendment Preservation Act Tuesday evening (April 27, 2021). Listen to the debate archive starting at about 53 minutes here: https://media.senate.mo.gov/DebateArchive/2021/042721/042721II.mp3

A substitute for SB 39 was actually introduced.  It was the same bill text, with a couple of minor tweaks, as the version of HB 85 that recently passed out of the General Laws committee. It retains all the accountability provisions, or "teeth."  This link takes you to the Senate Substitute for SB 39: https://www.senate.mo.gov/21info/BTS_Web/ShowAmendment.aspx?Id=3818

It's typical for bills dsealing with hot issues to spend multiple sessions in Senate floor debate before passage, and SAPA is no different.  Although it is hard to tell from the audio, this session went very well. There were no credible arguments made against the bill, in fact most of the debate by a couple of Democrat opponents of the bill was such an embarrassment that other Democrats may want to distance themselves from that effort.

Near the end of the audio you will notice that an amendment is offered that would make it illegal for anyone sell a firearm to someone on the "No Fly List."m. Senator Burlison then offers a "Point of Order" in objection.  The audio goes silent while the Senate Rules Committee considers the Point of Order.

The intent of the amendment offered by Senator Beck was to embarrass SAPA supporters who vote against the amendment.  They would be accused of wanting terrorists to have guns.

Rep. Jered Taylor and Sen. Eric Burlison, the sponsors of SAPA, anticipated these sorts of attacks and built a defense against them into the bill's title, which says the bill they filed is for "the sole purpose of adding additional protections to the right to bear arms."

That bill title invokes a little known legal doctrine brought to the forefront in a recent Missouri Supreme Court case called Calzone v. DESE, in which the Supreme Court said that when a bill's title includes a statement that the bill is for the "sole purpose" of some particular or detail, those particulars or details define the purpose of the bill and that purpose can not be expanded.

In the case of SAPA, the purpose is to protect gun rights. Since Beck's amendment was outside that purpose, it was going to be ruled out of order.  He withdrew his amendment.

The tools for opposing SAPA were greatly diminished.

This is the point at which Senate Leadership really made the difference. It was made very clear to all that they intend to do whatever it takes to pass SAPA. As one friend put it, they sent the message, "Resistance is futile."  It's clear to me that the prospects of the Senate passing SAPA next week are VERY GOOD.

I encourage you to send a short email to Sens. Schatz and Rowden thanking them for bringing SAPA to the floor and for their commitment to passing it.

The Senate has to finish budget bills this week, but SAPA should be back on the floor early next week.

In liberty,

- Ron



04/08/2021 UPDATE
Senate General Laws Committee passes HB 85

April 8, 2021

On the same day President Joe Biden launched his gun control initiative, the Second Amendment Preservation Act passed another major milestone when the Senate General Laws Committee (chaired by Sen. Bill Eigel) voted 6 to 2 to "do pass" HB 85 and send it on to the full Senate.

The committee approved a "Senate Committee Substitute" that was the result of weeks of study and negotiating with stakeholders, especially law-enforcement interests.

Follow this link to read the actual bill text and a "change log" that explains the differences between this version and the version passed by the House:  www.mofirst.org/issues/docs/SCS-HB85-0767S_09C.pdf

We had to make a few compromises that I would have preferred not to make, but MO SAPA is still the strongest SAPA I know about among the 15 or so states that are following our lead. It still makes it illegal for ALL Missouri officials to provide any assistance in the enforcement of ALL federal gun controls laws against honest citizens.

And HB 85 still includes a private cause of action (e.g. citizens can sue), so you don't have to wait for government to protect you from the government.  The bills specifies a $50,000 penalty, per occurrence, plus court costs when a citizen prevails.

HB 85 still protects law enforcement officers when their superiors make them choose between their job and honoring their oath of office by telling them they have to help Joe Biden with his gun-grabbing agenda.


The next step for HB 85 is for Senator Dave Schatz to ask for the bill to be reported out of committee and then place it on the Senate HOUSE BILLS ON THIRD READ Calendar.

If you check out that calendar, you'll see that there is only one House bill listed. That's because Senator Schatz is refusing to move most House bills until the House takes up his bill (SB 262) to raise the motor fuel tax.

This year's legislative session will over on May 14th, so any delays getting SAPA to the Senate floor and passed is just not acceptable.


The ball is in Senator Schatz court, so tell him not to put a fuel tax increase ahead of his duty (see Article I Section 23) to defend our 2nd Amendment rights.

Here's Senator Schatz web page and contact info: https://www.senate.mo.gov/mem26/



03/18/2021 UPDATE
HB 85 is Finally Moving in the Senate

HB 85 blasted through the House of Representative this year, largely due to the groundwork Missouri patriots did both last year and this year securing co-sponsors. It was one of the first 4 bills passed by the House and was reported the Senate by February 8th.

It sat in the Senate, along with virtually all the other House bills that have passed since then, waiting for committee assignments. Finally on March 11, the day before the legislature went on Spring Break, HB 85 was assigned to the General Laws Committee.

Why did it take so long?

First, understand that there are roughly 2000 bills filed each year, about 1500 in the House and another 500 in the Senate. There is intense competition for time in committees and on the floor of the House and Senate. The House and Senate can be "territorial" with their bills, and the leaders of each chamber want to make sure their members (who elected them to those positions) have a crack at the process.

Accordingly, Senate leadership did not start committee assignments for bills that had already passed the House and were waiting for hearings in the Senate, including HB 85, until after all the Senate bills had been assigned to committees.

The main thing to understand is that it is still early in the session and we have made great progress.


HB 85 was assigned to the General Laws Committee, where the senate version, SB 39, was given top billing and promptly voted "do pass" earlier this year. It will have its own hearing in the next week or two. Currently, the next hearing is scheduled for March 23, but the schedule was already full before HB 85 was referred, and it's unclear whether an opening can be made.

Watch the hearing schedule here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/hearingsschedule/hrings.htm

Once HB 85 has a hearing we are confident that the committee will promptly vote "do pass" and then it will be up to the president pro tem of the Senate, Dave Shatz, to accept the bill from the General Laws Committee and place it on the calendar for the full Senate to consider.

Then, it's up to the majority floor leader of the Senate to call it from the calendar to the floor.

None of that will happen unless enough senators want the bill to pass, and frankly, the Missouri Sheriffs' Association has some of them running cool on SAPA. MSA has not been very cooperative in the efforts to resolve issues they have with the bill.

Fortunately, a number of individual constitution-supporting sheriffs and LEOs HAVE been cooperative, and they have helped to identify areas in SAPA that can be modified to optimize their day to day law enforcement work without diminishing the power of SAPA to protect your rights.

A new Senate Committee Substitute that includes these tweaks has been drafted and will soon be made available to the public.

In the mean time, stay tuned. The next step will be a full court press on the Senate to pass HB 85, as amended by the General Laws committee.


County SAPA "ordinances":
Counties like Newton and Mercer are passing SAPA "ordinances" but is that actually a good thing?

Yes and no. What they've passed are not actually legally binding ordinances. And while it might seem like they are supporting the 2nd Amendment, the fake ordinance actually give some people political cover for opposing HB 85 and SB 39, which ACTUALLY DO protect your rights...

Note that both the so-called ordinances have an exception that lets the sheriff and his deputies help federal officials violate your right to bear arms. Read the Newton County "ordinance" HERE. Note that (3)(a) says.

"(a) There will be an exception made for Newton County Missouri local deputies and sheriffs, they shall and will not be held liable to this ordinance when assisting any and all federal agents in the arrests of suspected criminals;"

Real protection can only come from a statewide SAPA, like HB 85 or SB 39.

Get your county to adopt THIS RESOLUTION in support of the full strength HB 85 and SB 39, and let's make Missouri a gun rights sanctuary state!


02/04/2021 UPDATE:
The House version, HB 85, passed the entire House by a vote of 103 to 43 today.

The Senate version, SB 39, will likely be held in reserve while HB 85 waits for a hearing opportunity in the Senate. It will have to have a hearing, be voted on in committee, and then go before the whole Senate where it could get amended and either voted up or down..


01/28/2021 UPDATE:
The House version of the Second Amendment Preservation Act,
HB 85, was voted "do pass" by the General Laws Committee today

Both the House and Senate versions have passed the first legislative hurdle. These bills are moving
at a very fast rate and support is growing, but so is the opposition due to a lot of
misinformation about what the bills do. Read the FAQ to get up to speed.


Video explains SAPA:
SAPA Video




Other states are filing MO SAPA bills!

SAPA States




SAPA Detailed

SAPA Brochure

The Anti Commandeering Doctrine

How SAPA is like the personal liberty laws in Massachusetts of 1855.

An analogy that explains the Supremacy Clause

Learn about Supremacy Clause immunity federal officials enjoy from state laws: Idaho v. Horiuchi

SAPA protects LEOs, like this sheriff who refuses to enforce unconstitutional gun control law.
Interview of Sheriff Reams

The Tenth Amendment Center Supports SAPA.
Tenth Amendment Center

Former Rep. Paul Curtman's speech at the 2013 SAPA veto override rally. It's good!
Paul Curtman speech

One sheet Executive Summary of SAPA. Print and distribute!
SAPA Poster
Click here for pdf

Print the PDF version of this poster. Ask your local gun stores to display it. Tape a copy inside your car or truck window!

SAPA Poster
2nd Amendment Preservation Act
signs in jpg & pdf

The Main Responsibility of Government Officials
“That all constitutional government is intended to promote the general welfare of the people; that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry; that all persons are created equal and are entitled to equal rights and opportunity under the law; that to give security to these things is the principal office of government, and that when government does not confer this security, it fails in its chief design.” (emphasis added) (MO Const. Art. I, Sec. 2)

The Ratification Clause of the U.S. Constitution
"The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same."

Hamilton on the Supremacy Clause
“I maintain that the word supreme imports no more than this — that the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof, cannot be controlled or defeated by any other law. The acts of the United States, therefore, will be absolutely obligatory as to all the proper objects and powers of the general government... but the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding(emphasis added) (Alexander Hamilton, at New York’s ratifying convention).



HISTORY: SAPA Bills Status from 2020.

End of 2020 Session UPDATE - This is what happened to SAPA in 2020. We need to learn from it and prevent the same problems in 2021.

The 2020 effort to pass SAPA ran up against several obstacles:

1) The Covid 19 virus scare.

2) The Missouri Sheriff's Association, which has leadership that seems to put other things ahead of defending your constitutional rights, and members who seem to be too timid to confront them.

3) The chairman of the Senate Public Safety Committee, Doug Libla, who wants to be known as pro-2nd Amendment, but held up the bill at every opportunity and did not deal equitably with the interested parties, just like he did in 2019. Libla is termed out, so he will not be back in 2021.

4) The chairman of the House Rules Committee, Rocky Miller, who co-sponsored SAPA and then was THE person that kept it from going to the whole House for debate.

These people should be remembered as you consider what a President Biden term will bring to the gun rights fight.

You don't have to guess what Biden and company have planned, it's all laid out here: https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/

03/13/2020 UPDATE

HB 1637 - SAPA

The House version of SAPA reached a major milestone when the General Laws Committee voted "do pass" this week. After a simple techincal vote in the Rules committee in the coming days it will proceed to the Calendar for consideration by the whole House.

There are already enough reps co-sponsoring HB 1637 to pass it! 86 co-sponsors for HB 1637 as of March 10!

To understand just how monumental this is you have to realize that there are 163 member of the House, so it takes 82 to pass a bill. That means we already have enough votes to pass SAPA, even before going to the floor for debate.

To our knowledge, no other bill has ever had this many co-sponsors!

SB 588 - SAPA 3/12/2020

The chair of the Senate Transportation and Public Safety Committee has finally allowed a vote on SB 588, but only after gutting the bill beyond belief. It is a mere skeleton of what it was.

That's not all bad news, though, because the bill can be restored to its former glory on the Senate floor.

The most important thing is that it has advanced to where the whole Senate can now take it up.

No action is needed on this bill at this time.

HISTORY: SAPA Bills Status from 2019.

Track 2019 Missouri Gun Related bills here:

Click for Gun Rights Bills

Click for Gun Control Bills


Senator Eric Burlison: SB 367

Rep. Jered Taylor: HB 1039

List of 2019 co-sponsors:

Rep. Jeff Pogue: HB 786


2013 and 2014 Missouri SAPA History (Passed and vetoed in 2013 and almost passed in 2014.)

About SAPA

The Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act is designed to fight the federal threat to the right to bear arms and is based on two facts:

1) The federal government can not accomplish wholesale gun control without assistance from the states.

2) The states have every right to refuse to cooperate, assist or contribute state resources to enforcing federal laws and other actions.

MO SAPA makes it against Missouri law for ANY public official to participate, in any way, the enforcement of federal gun control laws.

MO SAPA includes strong enforcement provisions that don't rely on any government official.



Print the PDF version of this poster. Ask your local gun stores to display it. Tape a copy inside your car or truck window!

SAPA Poster
2nd Amendment Preservation Act
signs in jpg & pdf

One sheet Executive Summary of SAPA. Print and distribute!
SAPA Poster
Click here for pdf

The Main Responsibility of Government Officials
“That all constitutional government is intended to promote the general welfare of the people; that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry; that all persons are created equal and are entitled to equal rights and opportunity under the law; that to give security to these things is the principal office of government, and that when government does not confer this security, it fails in its chief design.” (emphasis added) (MO Const. Art. I, Sec. 2)

The Ratification Clause of the U.S. Constitution
"The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same."

The Supremacy Clause
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land” (emphasis added) (U.S. Constitution, Article VI)

Hamilton on the Supremacy Clause
“I maintain that the word supreme imports no more than this — that the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof, cannot be controlled or defeated by any other law. The acts of the United States, therefore, will be absolutely obligatory as to all the proper objects and powers of the general government... but the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding(emphasis added) (Alexander Hamilton, at New York’s ratifying convention).


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"Our citizens have wisely formed themselves into one nation as to others and several States as among themselves. To the united nation belong our external and mutual relations; to each State, severally, the care of our persons, our property, our reputation and religious freedom." -- Thomas Jefferson: To Rhode Island Assembly, 1801

More Jefferson Quotes


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"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

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