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Dedicated to the sovereignty
of Missourians.

Missouri Legislature Expands
Eminent Domain Powers

Missouri First Home

May 15, 2018 - Jefferson City, MO


For several years after the U.S. Supreme Court's infamous 2005 Kelo decision, there was scarcely a Republican candidate who didn't make property rights a major part of his or her campaign. They were committed to stopping the practice of taking private property for feigned “public use.”

My, how times have changed!

Just last week, almost all the members of the Missouri House and Senate voted to give rural electric cooperatives the power to take private property for the express purpose of delivering the luxury of super fast Internet service.

HB 1880 was a stealthy and insidious bill from the start. Before Senate amendments expressly included the new eminent domain powers, the bill appeared to be a simple statement of support for expanding broadband Internet to rural areas, but the devil was in the details.

Declares providing a luxury "public purpose."

The “details” included a declaration that providing super high speed Internet service to rural areas is “a public purpose of great importance.”

Those words matter because the most significant outcome from the Kelo case was the Court's crazy claim that something that had a “public purpose” met the Constitution's requirement that eminent domain be only for “public use.”

After Kelo, it was clear that taking a neighborhood of homes so a developer could build his shopping center was allowed because it had the “public purpose” of generating more tax revenues. More taxes would be collected from the shopping center than the homes, you see.

So now, if the Governor signs HB 1880, electric cooperatives will have the power to place poles or even huge towers on your property -- against your will -- not only to provide electricity, but also so some kids across town or across the state can play sophisticated computer games – one of the few things super high speed Internet is generally required for. (You don't need this sort of broadband to watch a movie.)

We haven't even discussed how bills like HB 1880 violate free market principles. It was a bad bill, all around.

How did your rep and senator vote on your behalf?

In effect, when the people you elect cast a vote in the House or Senate, that vote is cast for you. How did you vote? See below:

How "you" voted (through your elected officials): Our records are not perfect, but this is who we believe your rep and senator are and their votes:

A "No" vote supported property rights. A "Yes" vote expands eminent domain.

Rep.: #Rep_First_Name# #Rep_Last_Name#
On #Rep_Vote_Date# voted #Rep_Vote# on "#Rep_Vote_Type#" vote for #Rep_Bill_No#

#Sen_Vote_Start#BA_id=441#Sen_Vote_End#Senator: #Sen_First_Name# #Sen_Last_Name#
On #Sen_Vote_Date# voted #Sen_Vote# on "#Sen_Vote_Type#" vote for #Sen_Bill_No#

For details about the bill and vote see: HB 1880

Next time you see your state rep or senator, be sure to ask him or her why the General Assembly thinks it's OK to take one man's property so another can enjoy a luxury, like super high speed Internet.

Limited opportunity to see a screening of Little Pink House -- a movie about the terrible Supreme Court Kelo decision.

Missouri's premiere liberty-based law firm, The Freedom Center of Missouri, is sponsoring special screenings of the Little Pink House in Columbia, MO, St. Louis, MO, Springfield, MO, and Kansas City, MO.

For details see:

I will be at the Columbia and St. Louis screenings where Dave and Jenifer Roland, founders of the Freedom Center of Missouri, will be available to discuss their role in this landmark property rights case.

Buy your $12 tickets NOW. See the sidebar for deadlines.

For liberty,
- Ron



Little Pink House


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